Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Week one is in the books, and the school year is officially underway!!!  This week I want to just give you a quick overview of the rules of the art room!!!

Classes meet for art once a week, for a 45 minute art class.  During this time, students are expected to:
*Enter the art room quietly and find their seat.
*Listen to all directions and raise their hands to ask questions.
*Work on their projects and accomplish daily art making goals.
*Show respect for the classroom, all students, and student art.
*Clean up and line up in an orderly fashion.

All classes earn points when they are in the art room, with their goal being a "10" point day.  Classes will earn incentives and rewards throughout the year based on the amount of points they earn as a class.  All classes are currently working towards the 100-point incentive which is to choose their seats in the art room.  The big-super-mega-fantastic-alicious incentive is the end of the year pizza party awarded to the one class with the most earned points at the end of the year.

In addition...classes are paid in "Weller Bux" each nine weeks with the goal of saving as many Weller-Bux as possible.  Weller Bux can be added to end of the year earned points totals to help classes win the pizza party.  So...of course classes don't want to lose their Weller Bux!!!  :)

Whoo-hoo!!!  Glad the school year is off!!!  See ya next week!
-mr. weller!

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