Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's AMAZING how fast time goes!  My intentions on updating my art blog weekly...has unexpectedly taken a two month hiatus!  Ouch!!!  Well...time to correct that and get things back on track.  I've got LOTS of updates from the art room, so grab yourself some milk and cookies and enjoy the read.  Oh...and thanks for visiting!

Mr. Weller's Art Web is now OFFICIALLY updated!!!  Please check out artwork added to the website, showcasing 6th grade Keith Haring and Georgia O'Keeffe projects and 5th grade Visual Self Portraits and Spacescapes!!!  Check it out at: Mr. Weller's Art Web!


THANK YOU so much for everyone who ordered something...ANYTHING...from my annual Art to Remember fundraiser.  We were able to raise a little over $1,700 for Creekview's visual arts program!!!  Funds from this year's program will go towards new paintbrushes, and (hopefully) some digital cameras for the art room!  I'm going to spend the summer pricing some things hoping to strengthen the technology component to the art room.  But...none of it could have happened without your help!  Thanks again!!!

Like I said...weekly updates just haven't happened yet this year, but I'm dedicating myself to making it happen for the remainder of the school year.  So, with that, I bid you farewell until next time...which will surely be NEXT WEEK!!!  :)

Thanks so much for reading!  And as always, feel free to kick me an e-mail anytime!  Any questions/comments/etc. regarding your child's art education are welcome!  Thanks again and I'll see ya in the funny papers!
-mr. weller!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


My fifth grade classes spent a day in the computer lab, trapping themselves into a famous work of art.  There was quite a bit of 'prep' work before heading into the lab, but it was definitely worth it!  The kids really enjoyed positioning themselves into famous artwork, and in some cases even becoming a work of art like the Mona Lisa.  I'm still brainstorming how I'm going to manage to get these wonderful works displayed, but I'm sure the idea will come to me...eventually!

I hope you've heard some great things about the art room from your children!  We've been working hard, and are currently beginning our third project of the year already!  They are a great group of kids, and I am really enjoying getting to know them!  Please let me know if you ever have any questions/comments/concerns.
-mr. weller!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

HELLO!!!  I wanted to let all of you know that your child should be bringing home their Art to Remember packets THIS WEEK!  Art to Remember is a great fund raising program where a percentage of all proceeds goes directly in the art program!!!  YAY!!!  Here's how it works...

The folder your child brings home will have three things in it; your child's artwork, a catalog of products and an information/pricing guide.  Please enjoy your child's artwork, browse the catalog and decide whether you would like to order products.  The information sheet explains the program and the prices for each item, and the order form is directly on the back of the envelope.  

  • IF you would like to order items, please fill out the order form on the back of the envelope, put your child's artwork AND PAYMENT back inside the envelope AND have your child return it to me.  (Checks should be made payable to CREEKVIEW INTERMEDIATE) 
  • IF you are not ordering any items, simply place your child's artwork back into the envelope and have them return it to me.  I need the project returned regardless of ordering as it is part of their sixth grade art portfolio and a submission into the district art show.

I'd like to thank you for taking the time to look over the packet and helping support my visual arts program.  Last year I was able to buy a Smart Board for my room.  This year, I am hoping for a few digital cameras for the kids to use for photography projects as well as new brushes and markers!  This can be achieved by ordering items from this fundraiser.  They do make great gifts!!!  Thanks again so much, and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.  THANKS!!!

-mr. weller!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Week one is in the books, and the school year is officially underway!!!  This week I want to just give you a quick overview of the rules of the art room!!!

Classes meet for art once a week, for a 45 minute art class.  During this time, students are expected to:
*Enter the art room quietly and find their seat.
*Listen to all directions and raise their hands to ask questions.
*Work on their projects and accomplish daily art making goals.
*Show respect for the classroom, all students, and student art.
*Clean up and line up in an orderly fashion.

All classes earn points when they are in the art room, with their goal being a "10" point day.  Classes will earn incentives and rewards throughout the year based on the amount of points they earn as a class.  All classes are currently working towards the 100-point incentive which is to choose their seats in the art room.  The big-super-mega-fantastic-alicious incentive is the end of the year pizza party awarded to the one class with the most earned points at the end of the year.

In addition...classes are paid in "Weller Bux" each nine weeks with the goal of saving as many Weller-Bux as possible.  Weller Bux can be added to end of the year earned points totals to help classes win the pizza party.  So...of course classes don't want to lose their Weller Bux!!!  :)

Whoo-hoo!!!  Glad the school year is off!!!  See ya next week!
-mr. weller!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Welcome to the 2012-13 School Year!

Welcome to Mr. Weller's (that's me!) Art Blog!!!  I'm very excited to get things going for the 2012-13 school year, and equally excited to (finally) have put a blog into practice.  I'm going to hope that this tool becomes an easier way to communicate with parents and students throughout the school year.  Here on the 'ol blog, I'll be posting information about the happenings in my art room, maybe a few pictures here and there, as well as giving you TONS of information regarding upcoming important art events!  I'm hopeful to even have some students post on the blog from time to time as well.  My goal is to update the blog weekly, so please check back often!!!
I think that about does it this time.  Welcome back, and I'll see everyone soon!
-mr. weller!
Jackson Pollock, "Ocean Greyness"; 1953