Tuesday, April 16, 2013


This week all of my fifth and sixth grade classes are selecting art work for the 2012-13 Creekview Intermediate Art Show!  And with that...I suppose now would be a great time to give you all the wonderful details regarding this year's show.
The Art Show will be held on the evenings of Thursday, May 9th and Thursday, May 16th.  I wouldn't be surprised if some of you already have those dates marked on your calendars as that is also the dates of the Creekview Choir and Band concerts!  It's an evening of visual and performing arts and I would love for you to come!  It's a great time to enjoy our school choirs and band and take pride in the seeing the wonderful artwork the kids have created this past school year.
This week, as I said, all of my classes are getting their artwork back and selecting their three favorite works for the show.  They'll put name tags on them and then over the next three weeks, I'll have kids busily hanging the artworks on the wall in anticipation for the show.  All of my students will have three artworks on display and I know that they would love to show you their work!  They have all done such a wonderful job this school year!!!
6th Grade Projects tagged and ready to be hung!

Finally...in addition to all of this, you should be seeing artwork coming home with the kids.  With only three artworks being kept here for the show, most students should be bringing home their additional 4-5 artworks this week.  Be on the lookout for those.  I know the 'trash monsters' like to eat students artwork despite me telling the kids to take them home to you.  Just giving you the heads up!  :)

That's it for today.  Sorry for the lapse in time from the last blog.  My oldest daughter had shoulder surgery...so I may have been a bit preoccupied.  'Blog you tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Fifth grade clay pinch pot and coil projects patiently drying, waiting to be fired in the kiln.  Projects usually take a week and half to dry completely before being fired at a temperature of 1,800 degree F.  It's a slow process...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Earlier in the school year I had applied for a grant from Crayloa.  And while I didn't receive the grant, they did send me a box of window paints and markers for applying.  These new materials have just been sitting around my room for quite some time...and it just took a few students to notice them and ask if they could decorate a few of my art room windows.  How was I to deny them, right?  So, here a few of my sixth graders are painting my windows; Batman and the Jamaican flag!!!

'Blog to ya tomorrow!

Monday, April 8, 2013


Have you seen the updates to the Creekview Art Web???  Latest updates include some student examples of the fifth grade art trading card project!  Originally the project was designed to have the kids trade cards with one another, but once we got started I felt it important to turn the cards into one 'larger' composition.  The kids seemed to really enjoy the project!!!
Art Cards by Gaige Patrick, Malia Didonato and Alex Barrett
If you haven't checked in on the Creekview Art Web, make sure you visit from time to time.  I'm making every attempt I can to getting examples from all of this year's projects uploaded.  So far so good.  

Have a great Monday!!!  Talk to you tomorrow!

Friday, April 5, 2013


My fifth grade classes have FINALLY begun their clay projects, and this year I'm giving them a choice of what to make.  I'm basically giving the students two options: pinch pots or coils.  After doing a brief demonstration on how to create a pinch pot, how to create a coil, how to join two pieces of clay together and a little intro on the wooden clay tools, I'm turning the kids loose on creating whatever they wish with one simply rule; the finished project must be either a pinch pot OR have been constructed with coils.

Past coil/pinch pot projects

All of my fifth grade classes will have two days to work on and complete the project.  Then...they'll go through the drying process (about a week to let all the water evaporate out of the clay) and then be fired in the kiln at 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit!  We'll get to paint them in late April/early May.



Wednesday, April 3, 2013


The art room is officially on the final hill of this year's roller coaster!  There's still so much to do, and less then two months to do it!!!  And to celebrate these final days of the 2012-13 school year, I'm going to try my best to update the blog on a daily basis!!!  Yep...the 'ol Art Blog is going back to DAILY UPDATES!!!  WHOO HOO!!!

So...with that, I'd like to welcome you back by letting you that I am once again doing my annual Summer Art Camps. T his will be the 11th year of my art camps, and it's always a blast to work with kids over the summer creating art!!!  I just love it!  So...if you're interested, please let me know and I'll get the forms e-mail to you!  I'm not sure if clicking and saving the images attached to the blog will work...but you're more than welcome to try that as well.  I'll be passing them out to students who are interested in the new few days.  
So much more to share...but now that I'm 'daily', I should probably save something for each day, right?  :)  Okay...'blog to you all tomorrow!!!