Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I'd like to thank all the sixth graders who participated in this year’s sixth annual Ceiling Tile Art Contest.  I had nearly 60 submission this year, and the kids did a wonderful job.  After all the submissions were turned in, I took all of them home and hung them on a wall in my office.  Then, throughout winter break, my family and friends all voted for their favorite submissions.  This way...I have a 100% non-biased field of judges.  This year I had nearly 30 family and friends vote for their favorites.  The final votes have been tallied and congratulations are in order to the following students for winning this year’s Ceiling Tile Art Contest.

Emily Rodenhausen (Disney), Kiera Parsons (Baby Vader), Madi Bentz (Munny/Foomi), Kara Riley (My Little Pony), Anna Kinney (OSU vs. Michigan), Mason Kern (Superman) and Ian Forry (The Hulk).  

The kids have all begun painting their tiles this past week, and I look forward to hanging them in my art room upon their completion.

Have a great rest of the week!
-mr. weller!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


By now, I'm sure your Creekview student has shared stories about a variety of odd and interesting things that happen in my classroom.  From the golden toilet, to my pet skull "Bob", there is a wonderful menagerie of interesting things that accompany my daily art teachings.  One of these if the "HALL OF FAME" that I open each and every year.  And...ANYONE can be in the Hall of Fame, and the kids certainly enjoy being a part of it.  And the Hall of Fame is now officially open for business!
The Hall of Fame is open to any and all students; they simply provide me with a picture of themselves, and I take that picture and transform them into...well...anything that I can find!  As an added incentive, if enough students participate from their class(es), the class is given bonus points towards the end of the year pizza party contest!  It's just another wild and crazy part of my classroom that I thought I would share with you today.

And on a side note...if you haven't checked out my Creekview Art Web in awhile, there's plenty of new updates there.  Go ahead and check it out!

That's all for today.  Next time, I'll give you a glimpse of this year's Ceiling Tile Art Contest winners!!!
Everyone have a great Tuesday!  STAY WARM!!!
-mr. weller! 

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Welcome back, Creekview families!  I hope everyone enjoyed their snowy winter break.  It's so sad to see the snow slowly disappearing in this January 'heat wave'.  Hopefully we'll get some new, fresh snow soon!  ( least I hope so!  :))

As the third nine weeks begins, I have assigned (or am assigning as I haven't seen ALL of my classes yet) a third nine weeks homework project to all of my fifth and sixth grade students.  The project is aimed to be an enjoyable experience, giving them full creative control in their art making.  There are (of course) some requirements, but for the most part, the students are in control of this one!  So...below is just a general bit of information about the homework assignments.

The fifth graders are being asked to create a collage of anything of their choosing.  I am supplying a 12x18 sheet of paper for them to create their collage on, however I have told them that if they feel their collage is going to be larger (or will need to be sturdier) than that sheet of paper, they may certainly create their collage on a sheet of poster board or cardboard, but they will need to supply that themselves.  All collage projects should use true collage techniques and have at least one word incorporated into their project.  We looked at a variety of examples in class, so they should be set on what is expected of them.
For FULL information about the "Create a Collage" homework assignment, you can click...HERE!

The sixth graders' independent art project is to create a 'zine.  We actually created the 'zine together in class, so I guess what I'm really asking is that they fill their 'zine with whatever information they would like to put into it.  They can create a 'zine (like a mini-magazine, or book) about their favorite sports, movies, or music; they can create a 'zine on how to do something like build a snowman, bake a cake, or draw a picture; their 'zine can be informational, full of facts about dancing, Elvis, or the Civil War; or their 'zine can even be a story laid out like a comic book or children's book.'s up to them.  Each page (including front and back covers) need to contain a visual image and text...but how they incorporate that is strictly up to them.  We looked over a variety of 'zines in class together, so they should be set on what is expected of them.
For FULL information about the "'Zine" homework assignment, you can click...HERE! always...if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!  Thanks!!!
-mr. weller