Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's AMAZING how fast time goes!  My intentions on updating my art blog weekly...has unexpectedly taken a two month hiatus!  Ouch!!!  Well...time to correct that and get things back on track.  I've got LOTS of updates from the art room, so grab yourself some milk and cookies and enjoy the read.  Oh...and thanks for visiting!

Mr. Weller's Art Web is now OFFICIALLY updated!!!  Please check out artwork added to the website, showcasing 6th grade Keith Haring and Georgia O'Keeffe projects and 5th grade Visual Self Portraits and Spacescapes!!!  Check it out at: Mr. Weller's Art Web!


THANK YOU so much for everyone who ordered something...ANYTHING...from my annual Art to Remember fundraiser.  We were able to raise a little over $1,700 for Creekview's visual arts program!!!  Funds from this year's program will go towards new paintbrushes, and (hopefully) some digital cameras for the art room!  I'm going to spend the summer pricing some things hoping to strengthen the technology component to the art room.  But...none of it could have happened without your help!  Thanks again!!!

Like I said...weekly updates just haven't happened yet this year, but I'm dedicating myself to making it happen for the remainder of the school year.  So, with that, I bid you farewell until next time...which will surely be NEXT WEEK!!!  :)

Thanks so much for reading!  And as always, feel free to kick me an e-mail anytime!  Any questions/comments/etc. regarding your child's art education are welcome!  Thanks again and I'll see ya in the funny papers!
-mr. weller!